// Posted by :Unknown // On :Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hei ! Hallo! Hello! Konnichiwa!
Actually, this is my english task (^o^) but I want to share, if you are my friend who has same school, please don't copy mine, ok? :p

Hello everybody. I got economy problem in this case. We will talk and discuss about "Modern Market Makes Us Being Consumerism". We will take an example from Pitarto Lauda, the CEO of Kafe Kopitiam Lau's, who has five credit cards for paying monthly installment like the electricity bills, phone and cellphone bills.

Pitarto admitted that he rejected to have more credit cards because he was afraid if he would be trapped by debt. " I don 't need it anymore. Moreover, having many credit cards won't prosper my consumers." said Pitarto.
Now, making credit card is easy thing. Many banks give offer with easy terms and conditions. It's also many products offer with special gift if we use credit card. So, we are not suprising if there is person who collects more than five credit cards from the various banks. If that person is unstable and not realise to swipe his card, he will be over-limited and fail to pay. It makes him having much of debts with high interest.
Many Indonesian people think that credit card is cash money, so they don't realise that they buy something with having no needs.
In the common countries are difficult enough to get a credit card. There are many terms to make it.
The cases which are sticking like the death of consumen becuse of debt collector and the case of back piercing which reveals in the public and haven't showed the significant impact for credit card 'culture'.
Development and modern market growth is how to make easier in the consumtion case through technology which supports consumerism. The most popular thing is credit card and ATM. Many people are trapped credit card because of consumerism, sales' persuasion or the real goods which having no needs.
The positive things are this is very helpful to the goverment than making money continously, credit card is used to thrift the paper of money.
For businessman, they have to use the various devices for paying, becuse it's safe, directly to the bank. Education and knowledge about credit card must be increased to people as the easiest paying device.
And finally, the tips of using credit card wisely and smartly:
1. Use it maximally for the discount and the gifts which are given.
2. Buy goods only if you need it, not you want.
3. Don't do transaction which is too over with your paying ability.
4. The total of debt don't be over than 30% of your income. Consumtive debt don't be over than 5% of your income.
5. Avoid the problem which is about credit card.
6. Pay the bills directly without waiting for nothing.

Thankyou. This is my presentation. Leave me a comment if you want.


Fanny Oktaviana.

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