// Posted by :Unknown // On :Friday, June 8, 2012

Good evening, Friends!
How do you do? Great? Yeay! Today I'll talk about new topic, and its about travelling around the world! Do you ever have dream to be backpacker? Ah, its good if you ever think it. Yeaaah, next year, on May 2013, I'll be backpacker! Go to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by airplane and continue to Phuket and Bangkok, Thailand by train! Thanks to awesome airplane  who make me and my friends's dream come true! I got cheap ticket on the big sale promotion! Yeay!

Backpacking is a form of low-cost, independent international travel. It includes the use of a backpack or other luggage that is easily carried for long distances or long periods of time; the use of public transport; inexpensive lodging such as youth hostels; a longer duration to the trip when compared with conventional vacations; and an interest in meeting the locals as well as seeing the sights. It is typically associated with young adults, who generally have fewer obligations and thus more time to travel. They also have less money to spend on hotels or private vehicles. (source: here)

They also have less money yeah! less money, lol. We have less money, that's why we will be backpacker, right?
I have tips for you who will be the real backpacker without spend money too much! Remember, we have less budget!

 1. Join the group of world backpackers! You can join this, this or this. Read all their experiences, so you can imagine how about your destination will be.
2. Free to live at there? Live with local people without pay? Sure, you can! Join this or this. But for your information, don't depend just on this. You should search some hostel too.
3. Contact them 1 or 2 months before you go to there.
4. Prepare your self, money and be calculative!
5. Don't bring too many unimportant things and impolite clothes, be casual as you can.
6. On-time! Time is money!

Maybe only it that I can give you. When I already be the real backpacker, I'll tell you as soon as possible! See ya in next post!
Peace!! ヾ(´^ω^)ノ

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. Hi, i'm Paul, from Taiwan, i were just surfing in the internet, and then came up your blog. Good for you to be a real backpacker next year!!
    i'm wondering if you will come to Taiwan in your journey?

    Actually I'm now running a hostel just beginning, so if you would come, you can stay at my hostel anyway :)

    by the way, it's not for the commercial, i just want to google some info about being a real backpacker, and your blog is arranged at 1st place ^^

    Paul from Bike Kaohsiung Hostel
